Ankle Strengthening Exercises for Weak Ankles (2024)

Do you worry about twisting an ankle and taking a spill? Are you noticing problems with foot pain, balance and mobility as you age? These issues could be a sign that you have weak ankles.

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Weak ankles tend to sprain more easily. And a sprain can put you out of commission for weeks. In fact, thousands of people sprain an ankle every year simply by stepping off curbs, stumbling in high heels or rolling an ankle while running or playing sports.

As you move throughout your day, the joints in your ankles and surrounding muscles absorb a lot of force. And that can take a toll.

The good news: You can work to strengthen your ankle muscles and adjoining ligaments. This will help ward off injuries and improve your stability and mobility.

We talked to exercise physiologist Christopher Travers, MS, about how we can all — regardless of our age or fitness levels — protect ourselves against ankle problems.

Why your ankles deserve attention

According to Travers, if you make alterations at your base (your feet and ankles) you’ll affect the rest of your joints.

One of the greatest worries about a weak base is the effect it has on your knees and how much internal rotation it puts into your hip. If you’re deficient at the bottom, the joints and muscles in your knees and hips can weaken as well.This can cause your gait to change, ultimately making it more difficult for you to walk.

That, Travers explains, is why it’s important to dedicate time in your fitness routine to stretching and strengthening your ankles.

How to stretch your ankles before exercising

Whether you do it or not, you’re probably aware that it’s important to stretch before exercising. But did you know that stretching your ankles should be part of your routine?

Especially if you’re going to do a high-impact activity like running, stretching your ankles is vital. According to Travers, “You want to make sure that you’re not going from sitting straight into exercise. You want to make sure your ankles have had plenty of movement, and that there’s been plenty of blood flow through the joint muscles surrounding it as well.”

Not sure how one goes about stretching their ankles? Check out the four quick and easy daily exercises below!

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1. Draw the alphabet

This one is as simple as A-B-C.

Begin by lying on your back or standing. If you’re standing, use a sturdy chair for support as needed.

Lift one leg and draw the alphabet with your toes as you flex your foot. Then repeat with the other leg. Do the whole alphabet twice — once for each leg — once a day.

2. Standing calf raises

It’s time to get on your tiptoes!

Stand on the edge of a step (if you have one) or an exercise step platform, using a banister or other support structure to keep your balance. Keep your feet hip-width apart.

Lift yourself up as high as you can onto your toes and then slowly lower your heels. Repeat the motion 10 times in a row. Do this exercise once a day.

3. Supine dorsiflexion

“Supine” is a fancy way of saying “lying on your back.” Lie down and, using your ankle, arch your foot so that it’s pointing toward the ceiling. Hold this backward stretch — also known as dorsiflexion — for 30 seconds. Do this stretch twice for each ankle (a total of two minutes) once a day. Keep hanging out on the floor, because our next stretch also requires you to lie down.

4. Supine plantarflexion

While lying down on your back, point your foot forward like you would if somebody told you to point your toes. Hold the pose — also known as plantarflexion — for 30 seconds. Relax and repeat. Do this stretch twice for each ankle (a total of two minutes) once a day.

Exercises to improve ankle stability

Improving ankle stability is all about balance. Just standing on one leg and practicing balance can build the coordination needed to prevent ankle injuries from happening — or at least decrease their severity. Standing on one leg while brushing your teeth, doing dishes or watching TV, for example, may have a positive impact.

The four exercises below will help you be steady on your feet. If you’re concerned about falling while doing these exercises, place a sturdy chair next to you that you can use to catch yourself if you get wobbly.

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1. Single leg stance (SLS)

This one is as simple as it sounds. Just stand on one leg, with your stance leg slightly bent. Maintain your balance for 20 seconds. Do this three times for each leg — a total of two minutes, altogether — once a day.

2. Forward SLS

This exercise is a slight modification of the SLS. Stand on one leg with your knee slightly bent on the stance side. Maintaining your balance, hold your other leg out in front of you. Hold that pose for 20 seconds, and then return to standing. Do this three times for each leg — a total of two minutes, altogether — once a day.

3. Forward reach SLS

This is the third iteration of the SLS. Once again, stand on one leg with your knee slightly bent. Next, reach forward with your opposite arm as far as you can without losing your balance. Hold the position for 20 seconds. Repeat three times for each leg for a total of two minutes a day.

4. Tandem walk

Tandem walking closely resembles tightrope walking, without the associated danger. Because you’re in motion for this activity, a chair isn’t going to help you maintain your balance. Instead, walk alongside a wall, touching it as needed to steady yourself.

Stand with one foot directly in front of the other so the toes of one foot touch the heel of the other. Every time you take a step, make sure the heel of your front foot is touching the toes of your back foot. If you’re able, try walking backward. Whether going forward and backward or simply turning around, cross the room or hallway you’re exercising in three times.

A step in the right direction — what to wear

Theright footwearcan also help prevent an ankle injury or sprain.

  • If you’re on your feet most of the day for work, consider wearing shoes with cushioned soles.
  • If you’re a runner, it’s a good idea to get your feet properly assessed and fitted at a running store.

Work with your doctor

While most people can do these exercises safely, we recommend talking to your doctor before beginning anyexercise program— especially if you’re carrying extra weight. Having obesity (BMI >25) can lead to weak ankles. That’s because the more weight you’re carrying, the more stress you’re placing on your hips, knees and ankles.

Weak ankles could also be a sign of other medical issues that require a doctor’s attention. For instance, if you have balance issues, it might not be because you have weak ankles — it could be a signalof a neurological disorder.

So, get checked out first. Once your doctor gives you the go-ahead, take time for these exercises every day. Incorporating them into your routine can help you maintain good balance, stability and posture for the long term.

Ankle Strengthening Exercises for Weak Ankles (2024)


Ankle Strengthening Exercises for Weak Ankles? ›

Place a looped resistance band around your foot and a heavy chair or table leg. Moving only your ankle, pull your toes back towards your shin (while keeping your knees straight). Continue until you feel discomfort or can't move it back any further. Hold this position for two seconds and slowly release.

What is the best exercise to strengthen your ankles? ›

Place a looped resistance band around your foot and a heavy chair or table leg. Moving only your ankle, pull your toes back towards your shin (while keeping your knees straight). Continue until you feel discomfort or can't move it back any further. Hold this position for two seconds and slowly release.

Can weak ankles get stronger? ›

As you move throughout your day, the joints in your ankles and surrounding muscles absorb a lot of force. And that can take a toll. The good news: You can work to strengthen your ankle muscles and adjoining ligaments. This will help ward off injuries and improve your stability and mobility.

Does walking strengthen ankles? ›

Benefits of Walking for Foot Health

Strengthen the bones and muscles of the feet and ankles. Increase flexibility and stability in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. A healthy weight can reduce the risk of obesity, which can put a lot of strain on the feet and ankles. Increase circulation and reduce swelling.

How long does it take to strengthen ankles? ›

Work on adding in some daily ankle strengthening and stretching exercises using planted foot methods and re-test yourself in 3-4 weeks. Working on strength and stretching are important to improve your balance and reduce risk of injury.

What are weak ankles a symptom of? ›

Examples include sprains, strains, fractures, and dislocations. Another issue that causes weak ankles is chronic ankle instability, which develops after trauma to the ankle. There are also some health conditions that can cause the ankles to get weak. Diabetes and osteoarthritis are the most common ones.

How long does it take for a weak ankle to heal? ›

Mild-to-moderate sprains should heal enough to walk on within a few weeks. But it may take up to two or three months to get back to normal, including playing sports. If you have a very bad ankle sprain, it may take several months to recover, especially if you need surgery.

What causes ankle instability? ›

Ankle instability is caused by injury to the lateral [outside] ankle ligaments. This usually causes strain or stretch, and in more severe forms, causes a sprain or tear in the ligaments.

How do you treat chronic ankle instability? ›

Non-surgical treatment may include:
  1. Physical therapy. Physical therapy involves various treatments and exercises to strengthen the ankle, improve balance and range of motion, and retrain your muscles. ...
  2. Bracing. Some patients wear an ankle brace to gain support for the ankle and keep the ankle from turning. ...
  3. Medications.

Do calf raises strengthen ankles? ›

Calf raises are a popular exercise amongst many athletes and for good reason: they help build ankle and posterior chain strength and stability. Both of these are important for any sport that requires sudden acceleration and deceleration (sprinting, jumping, landing).

Are weak ankles a disability? ›

VA Disability Ratings for Ankle Instability

In many cases, ankle instability itself would receive a rating of between 0 and 20% on the rating schedule. However, the ankle instability may occur in conjunction with other issues, such as knee pain, and leg pain.

What is it called when you have weak ankles? ›

However, if your ankles are weak and constantly giving way, you might have ankle instability. What causes ankle instability? Ankle instability is most often caused by repeated sprains that weaken the ankle tissue and ligaments.

What are weak ankles called? ›

Chronic ankle instability is a condition characterized by a recurring giving way of the outer (lateral) side of the ankle. This condition often develops after repeated ankle sprains.

Does walking on tiptoes strengthen ankles? ›

Two other great functional ankle strengthening exercises are tippy toe walking and heel walking.

Will my ankle ever get better? ›

Most ankle sprains will heal with standard RICE therapy (rest, ice, compression and elevation) within two to 12 weeks. But for the patients with sprains that do not heal over time with standard therapy, both the cause and next steps for treatment can be unclear.

Does walking backwards strengthen ankles? ›

Ankles are very unable when they are in plantarflexion, so with the practice of backwards walking it can help to strengthen the ankle joints and also balance of the whole body to try and prevent sprains in the future.

How long does it take to fix poor ankle mobility? ›

How long will it take to improve your ankle mobility? Do the above exercises every day and you should feel results pretty damn quick (think 2 to 4 weeks).

What is the best support for weak ankles? ›

The Med Spec ASO Ankle Stabilizer is our top pick, because it's made from high-quality materials and provides superior support. The padding is comfortable, and its unique design makes it suitable to wear on either ankle. We like the figure-eight strapping system, which helps to provide a more customized fit.

Does cycling strengthen ankles? ›

Cycling: Pedalling strengthens the muscles of the ankle without it taking the weight of the body. Aquabiking is also a good idea, combining the advantages of both practices.

What does poor ankle mobility look like? ›

Another way to see if you have poor ankle mobility is if you cant reach the bottom of a squat; you feel like you are going to fall backwards if you squat too deep or your knees go well passed your toes (within reason) in the bottom of a squat.

How do you fix poor ankle mobility? ›

A 3-Step Approach to Improving Ankle Mobility
  1. Heel lifts. While standing, have the client lift their heels off the ground.
  2. Toe raises/heel drops. ...
  3. Toe/heel walks. ...
  4. Lunge. ...
  5. Overhead squat. ...
  6. Ankle flexion exercises.
Jan 6, 2021

What is the best way to stabilize your ankle? ›

Depending on the severity of the sprain, your doctor may recommend an elastic bandage, sports tape or an ankle support brace to stabilize the ankle. In the case of a severe sprain, a cast or walking boot may be necessary to immobilize the ankle while it heals.

Can you regain ankle mobility? ›

If your ankles are weak, or if you'd like to boost your sports performance, ankle exercises and stretching can improve your mobility and strength. Including ankle stretching and strengthening in your daily routine will pay off in accident prevention.

Is there a surgery for weak ankles? ›

Foot and ankle ligament repair is a procedure typically done to treat serious sprains or instability in the ankle. The ligaments in your foot and ankle consist of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) and the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL).

What causes weak ankle mobility? ›

Poor ankle mobility can be caused by a number of different factors, but most often it's the result of a general lack of flexibility in the calf muscles, ankle joint issues (or stiffness) from a previous injury, or frequent wearing of high heels.

What age is chronic ankle instability? ›

Forty-six percent of participants with a history of ankle sprains were diagnosed with CAI (ranging from 9 to 76%). The age of the participants among the different study populations ranged from 15 to 32 years.

Why does my ankle keep folding? ›

In most cases, chronic ankle instability is directly related to a sprain that wasn't allowed to heal properly before weight was applied. It can also happen when someone has repeated ankle sprains. It's especially common in athletes involved in high-impact sports.

How do you tighten loose ankle ligaments? ›

Flex and stretch

You can exercise your ankles and the rest of your legs by alternately flexing and stretching. Once a day, lie on your back, reaching your legs upwards, and then flex your muscles and stretch repeatedly. Complete 10 sets of stretches, holding each time for at least three seconds.

What is non surgical treatment for chronic ankle instability? ›

Non-surgical treatments are very effective for many patients with chronic ankle instability and typically include anti-inflammatory medication, wearing a brace and seeing a physical therapist. If surgery is necessary, your surgeon may repair or tighten the ligaments that have been stretched.

What is the best support for chronic ankle instability? ›

Ultra CTS. If you have extreme chronic ankle instability along with associated weight bearing pain then the Ultra CTS is the best brace for you. The Ultra CTS provides maximum stabilization to your lower leg and ankle by helping to restrict excessive ankle turning or rolling and twisting that causes ankle instability.

What are the two types of ankle instability? ›

Chronic ankle instability can be functional instability or mechanical instability. Functional instability depends on the patient-generated reports or complaints that could be accompanied by clinical laxity while mechanical instability can be identified by physical examination.

What muscles stabilize the ankle? ›

The peroneus longus, brevis and tertius make up the lateral ankle stabilizers and primary ankle evertors. The brevis and longus both work strongly over the subtalar joint and thus are important to pronatory and supinatory (is that a word?) motion.

Does squatting strengthen ankles? ›

Squat on your tiptoes: Stand straight with your feet flat on the ground and drop into a normal squat. As you rise, come up on your tippy toes, and continue to do squats while standing on your tiptoes. This will improve your balance and strengthen your ankles.

How do you strengthen ankle ligaments? ›

Ankle exercises
  1. Ankle circles. Rotate your ankle in a circle. ...
  2. Ankle pumps. Bend and straighten your ankles briskly. ...
  3. Deep calf stretch. Stand with one foot in front of the other holding on to a support. ...
  4. Calf stretch. ...
  5. Heel raises. ...
  6. Calf stretch. ...
  7. Heel dips and raises. ...
  8. Balance.

What causes very weak ankles? ›

Examples include sprains, strains, fractures, and dislocations. Another issue that causes weak ankles is chronic ankle instability, which develops after trauma to the ankle. There are also some health conditions that can cause the ankles to get weak. Diabetes and osteoarthritis are the most common ones.

How do you fix chronic ankle instability? ›

Non-surgical treatment may include:
  1. Physical therapy. Physical therapy involves various treatments and exercises to strengthen the ankle, improve balance and range of motion, and retrain your muscles. ...
  2. Bracing. Some patients wear an ankle brace to gain support for the ankle and keep the ankle from turning. ...
  3. Medications.

What supplements help weak ankles? ›

Vitamin D or calcium supplements are an option for those with special diets – such as vegans – or anyone who's already been diagnosed with low bone density. Our feet and ankles can thrive down to their very bones if we choose to get enough calcium and vitamin D.

Can poor ankle mobility be fixed? ›

If your ankles are weak, or if you'd like to boost your sports performance, ankle exercises and stretching can improve your mobility and strength. Including ankle stretching and strengthening in your daily routine will pay off in accident prevention.

Are weak ankles common? ›

Chronic ankle instability affects many people, but a significant number do not know they have it. For most, having weak ankles is considered part of their genetic inheritance and not a cause for alarm. However, if your ankles are weak and constantly giving way, you might have ankle instability.

How long does it take to fix an instability ankle? ›

Most ankle sprains will heal with standard RICE therapy (rest, ice, compression and elevation) within two to 12 weeks. But for the patients with sprains that do not heal over time with standard therapy, both the cause and next steps for treatment can be unclear.

How long does it take to improve ankle mobility? ›

How long will it take to improve your ankle mobility? Do the above exercises every day and you should feel results pretty damn quick (think 2 to 4 weeks).


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